Friday, January 18, 2008


This was a gift for a nice guy who is doing a contest over on
and asked me if I'd do something for it. Not usually something I'd do, (a request) But he has this really huge following for his Saintfighter series of characters and thought that this one was neat,

Aiden: the New God of war

so to be nice I did this as a warm up before drawing today! Threw some color on it to add a little eye busy! LOL enjoy
everyone should visit his contest theres some great art there!


Anonymous said...

love that big red square in the background...the rest of's ok too. lol.

nah i like it. would be fun to play as him. if it looked even more crazy it would kinda look like those street fighter 4 artworks.

luv it.

DADICUS said...

Thank you GIANT ARIK!

Anonymous said...


we need to hang out soon.

Courtney is having a birthday party Feb 23rd
your welcome to come. new years was a blast we had 60+ people over. this promises to be much smaller, but just as fun :)